BCS/ECS Joint Membership Agreement
This agreement, made this nineteenth day of June. 1993 between the British Computer Society whose registered office is at No 1 Sanford street, Swindon SNI 1HJ (hereinafter called “BCS”) of the one part and the Egyptian Computer Society, whose principle office is P O Box 9009, Nasr City Cairo, Egypt (hereinafter called “ECS”) of the other part.
Whereas BCS and ECS have expressed their desire to co-operate and to facilitate the interchange of membership between BCS and ECS.
Now it is hereby agreed as follows:
- BCS shall admit any member of ECS (other then student members) who shall so desire as a member of BCS at an appropriate grade. ECS shall admit any member of BCS (other than student members) who shall so desire as a member of ECS at an appropriate grade.
- Subject as herein provided all members of ECS and BCS who shall be admitted as members of BCS respectively shall be bound in all respects by the respective constitutions. Rules and laws of each body to which they shall have been admitted.
- Both BCS and ECS shall allow to members who shall be admitted to membership by virtue of this agreement a discount of twenty percent (20%) on the relevant basic annual membership fee payable by members of the appropriate society.
- Each member of either society who joins the other under this joint membership agreement will receive all the benefits and privileges of members of their grade as if they had joined the other society directly unless stipulated elsewhere in this agreement, this includes but is not limited to dissemination of publications as may from time to time be determined by each society.
- BCS shall supply to ECS and ECS shall supply to BCS on copy of every formal periodical regularly issued by as part of its service to its members covered by the annual membership fee or available on subscription, it also being the intention that there shall at all times be a full exchange between information both bodies of on all aspects of computing technology and relevant education.
- On 1 July each year the BCS will provide to ECS for control purposes, a list of those who have availed themselves of the privileges of reciprocal membership and who at date of the exchange, are continuing so to avail themselves. On 1 July each year the ECS will provide to BCS. For control purposes, a list of those who have availed themselves of the privileges of reciprocal membership and who at date of the exchange, are continuing so to avail themselves.
- Nothing in this agreement shall prevent the parties hereto from arranging and conducting their affairs in the manner best suited to themselves. Neither will develop policies which discriminate specifically against the members of the other society.
- This agreement is subject to review on 19 June 2003 but may be terminated by either party hereto giving to the other not less than 12 months notice in writing to expire 19 June in any year.
- The agreement is effective since 19 June 1995.