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ISSN: 1110-2586

Proposal for Introducing NFC Technology into the Electronic Government System in Egypt (Application on Payment System of the Governmental Employees' Salaries in Egypt)

Hesham Mahmoud
Department of Information Systems Management, Modern academy MA'ADI For Computer science and management technology
Became obvious as we are in the second decade of the twenty-first century that the Information systems technology made a clear development in the performance of doing business in the governmental organizations whether the commercial organizations, the advanced countries like Japan, Southern Korea and Russia started the application of the near field technology in them transactions. This research aims completely on transfer, spread and introduce this technology in Egypt through develop a proposed plan to the government agency that responsible for the implementing of the Electronic government system in Egypt in order to conceder applying it in the current stage.
E.Gov, "NFC" technology, E.Gov and NFC Relation, new proposal